Let me share to you an article I found and It was anonymous -It is titled HOW TO TREAT YOUR WIFE
Oscar del Rosario
18 mins ·
Let me share to you an article I found and It was anonymous
-It is titled HOW TO TREAT YOUR WIFE 1. Always pay attention to her (never ignore her).
2. Value her opinions.
3. Show her more attention than others.
4. Listen to her and try to understand what she feels.
5. Always talk or listen to her (no silent treatment).
6. Focus your attention on her when she is talking.
7. Schedule special time to be with her.
8. Be open to talk about things that you do not understand.
9. Encourage her to talk about things that she does not understand.
10. Give her a chance to voice her opinion on decisions that affect the whole family.
11. Never discipline her by being angry or silent.
12. Avoid making jokes about areas of her life.
13. Refrain from making sarcastic statements about her.
14. Praise her in front of others (never use insults).
15. Avoid coming back with quick retorts.
16. Admonish her in kindness, never harshly.
17. Abstain from using careless words before you think through how they will affect her.
18. Never nag her in harshness.
19. Always allow her to explain a situation before rebuking her.
20. Use a moderate voice when speaking to her (never yell or scream).
21. Refrain from making critical comments with no logical basis.
22. Speak to her as you would Jesus, never swear or use foul language.
23. Correct her in private (never in public).
24. Always use tact when pointing out her weaknesses or blind spots.
25. Never remind her angrily that you warned her not to do something.
26. Refrain from having disgusted or judgmental attitudes.
27. Don't pressure her when she is already feeling low or offended.
28. Desist lecturing her when she needs to be comforted, encouraged or treated gently.
29. Stop breaking promises without any explanation.
30. Never compare her to other women.
31. Abstain from holding resentment about something she did and tried to make right.
32. Treat her family and relatives with respect.
33. Do not coerce her into an argument.
34. Never punish her in anger for something for which she's not guilty.
35. Praise her when she does well, especially if it's for you.
36. Treat her like an adult, not a child.
37. Stop being rude to her or other people in public like restaurant personnel or clerks.
38. Be aware of her needs.
39. Always be grateful for her.
40. Trust her implicitly.
41. Be positive with her when she tackles a problem on her own, regardless of the outcome.
42. Be interested in her personal growth.
43. Avoid having double standards (don1t do anything yourself that you wouldn't want her to do).
44. Be willing to give advice when she really needs it and asks for it.
45. Always tell her that you love her.
46. Avoid having prideful or arrogant attitudes in general.
47. Give her encouragement daily.
48. Always include her in a conversation when you are with other people (especially at a party)
49. Spend quality time with her when you are at a party.
50. Never "talk her down"--continuing to discuss or argue a point just to prove you're right.
51. Take time to listen to her as soon as you come home from work, even if you are dead tired.
52. Attend church as a family.
53. Expres honestly what you think her innermost feelings are.
54. Never show more excitement for work or other activities than for her.
55. Be polite at mealtime.
56. Use good manners around the house and in front of others.
57. Invite her out on special romantic dates from time to time (just the two of you).
58. Be sure to help her with the children just before mealtime or during times of extra stress.
59. Volunteer to help her with the dishes and the cleaning of the house (especially if she works outside the home).
60. Never make her feel stupid when she shares an idea about your work or decisions that need to be made.
61. Don't make her feel unworthy for desiring certain furniture, insurance or other material needs for herself and the family.
62. Be consistent with the children; take an interest in playing with them and spending quality and quantity time with them.
63. Show affection for her in public, like holding her hand or putting your arm around her.
64. Share your life with her, your ideas or feelings (e.g.i what's going on at work).
65. Be the spiritual leader at home.
66. Don't demand her submission.
67. Do not demand her sexual favors when you are not in harmony.
68. Be willing to confess to her when you are wrong.
69. When she points out one of your "blind spots", take an objective look at yourself without becoming angry or self-righteous.
70. Show compassion and understanding for her and the children when there is real need.
71. Make plans for the future. This will enhance her sense of security.
72. Always find time for her, don't plunge yourself into work or other activities to the exclusion of all else.
73. Make sure that she has her own spending money which she can do with as she pleases.
74. Be careful not to embarrass her sexually.
75. Don't force her to make decisions regarding the checkbook and bills.
76. Let her lean on your gentleness and strength from time to time.
77. Allow her to fail. Help her find where she went wrong, in love, but don't lecture.
78. Let her be what she is--a woman.
79. Never criticize her womanly characteristics or sensitivity as being weak.
80. Be careful of spending too much money or getting the family too far in debt.
81. Have a sense of humor, laugh and joke about things together
82. Tell her how important she is to you.
83. Send her special love letters from time to time.
84. Always remember special dates like anniversaries and birthdays.
85. Defend her when somebody else is complaining or tearing her down (especially if it's one of your relatives or friends).
86. Put your arm around her and hug her when she is in need of comfort.
87. Brag to other people about her.
88. Always be honest with her (don't bend the truth even a little).
89. Encourage her when she tries to better herself through education or physical fitness.
90. Cease distasteful or harmful habits.
91. Treat her as if "Handle With Care" were stamped on her forehead.
92. Don1t ignore her relatives and the people who are important to her.
93. Don't take her for granted, assuming that "a woman's work is never done" around the house.
94. Include her in planning activities, don't "drop something on her" at the last minute.
95. Do something unexpected for her. Surprise her!
96. Treat her as an intellectual equal.
97. Never treat her as a weaker individual in general.
98. Her goals and needs are important too, don't be preoccupied with your own needs and push her into the background.
99. Never forbid her to do something again just because she made a mistake in the past.
100. Don't criticize her behind her back. (This is really painful for her if she hears about your criticism from someone else.)
101. Accept your responsibility for things in your relationship that are clearly your fault (dbn't blame her).
102. Be aware of her physical limitations, don't roughhouse with her or make her carry heavy objects.
103. When she can't keep up with your schedule or physical stamina, be patient, don't get angry.
104. Don't act a martyr if you go along with her opinions.
105. Don't sulk when she challenges your comments.
106. Refrain from joining too many organizations which exclude her and the children.
107. When she asks you to repair items around the house, do it cheerfu1ly don't procrastinate.
108. Limit your TV watching. Don't neglect her and the children.
109. Don't insist on lecturing her in order to convey what you believe are important points.
110. Don't humiliate her with words and actions, saying things like "this house is a wreck."
111. Take time to prepare her for sexual intimacy.
112. Be sure to remember those less fortunate. Don't be selfish or extravagant in your spending.
113. Participate in activities that your wife and children enjoy.
114. Avoid taking vacations that only you will enjoy, like fishing or hunting trips.
115. Let her get away just to be with friends, go shopping for special items, or have a weekend away with her friends.
116. Be understanding when she has had a long boring day of washing, ironing, wiping runny noses, etc., etc.
Real Life School
A Good Fruit of the Tree of Life
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Oscar del Rosario
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